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Restorative Justice Practices (RJP) & Circles


The goal of Restorative Justice Practices (RJP) is to get individuals to understand how their behavior affects others and what they can do to correct the behavior.  When a conflict involves two or more students, a Restorative Circle is a great way to help students identify key factors in the conflict by allowing everyone involved to listen with no interruptions.  It also allows all parties involved to reach an agreement and to evaluate the agreement.  During the circle, we establish group norms and use a "talking piece" so that everyone gets a chance to be heard.  Each participant is given an opportunity reflect on:  (1) What happened? (2) What was I thinking at the time? (3) What do I think now, after the event? (4) Who did my behavior affect?/who did I hurt? (5) What can I do to fix it?/How can I make it right?
















Career Counseling & Career Shines


As educators, it is our responsibility to expose students to life after school, post-secondary education, and the world of work.  Using various tools and a program called Career Shines, students can take a career interest inventory that allows them to learn more about a particular career that is of interest to them.  It is never too early to think about what you want to be in life!















We all know that kids love technology.  I often use an interactive program called Nearpod to deliver classroom guidance lessons.  It has real-world topics including bullying and social media lessons that keep student engaged and allows them to participate instantly.















Special Programs


This year I will introduce the students to community various programs to help guide their college and career path.  Two of those programs are the Duke TIP and Breakthrough Miami.  Stay tuned!








































Classroom Guidance

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